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【2025 开年巨献——李志财】世界艺术先锋文化贡献人物

2025年02月03日 来自: 高层动态 浏览: 5270 点赞: 0


2025 开年巨献!特别推荐世界级书画界先锋文化贡献人物!作品时代气息鲜明的优秀书画艺术家!他们的这些作品涵盖了各种风格和流派,从传统到现代,从写实到抽象,每一幅作品都体现了艺术家们的独特见解和创新精神,他们用笔墨丹青表达了对新一年的祝福和期待,以独特的艺术形式展现了中国传统文化的魅力。在新的起点上继续推动国际文化繁荣、建设文化强国、建设中华民族现代文明,是我们在新时代新的文化使命。要坚定文化自信、担当使命、奋发有为,共同努力创造属于我们这个时代的新文化,建设中华民族现代文明,展现出世界级水平的艺术作品,推出世界艺术先锋文化贡献人物!2025 New Year's grand offering! Specially recommended world-class pioneers in the art world! Outstanding calligraphers and painters distinct contemporary style! Their works cover a wide range of styles and schools, from traditional to modern, from realistic to abstract, each piece reflects the artists' unique insights innovative spirit. They express their blessings and expectations for the new year with their brush and ink, and show the charm of traditional Chinese culture in a unique artistic form. continue promoting the prosperity of international culture, building a strong cultural country, and constructing the modern civilization of the Chinese nation on a new starting point is our new cultural mission the new era. We need to be confident in our culture, take on the mission, strive for progress, and work together to create a new culture belonging to our, build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, and show world-class level art works, and promote world art pioneers and cultural contributors



!李志财:世界东方艺术一颗耀眼的明珠李志财,1953 年生,汉族,山东新泰人,著名书画家,笔名泰山人、中南海书生,中国书法家协会会员、中国美术家协会会员、中国书画界联合会理事,国家一级美术师、国家一级书法师,国家非遗传承师(书画),国际注册工艺美术师、国际注册艺术品鉴定师、国际注册艺术品评估师,中央美术学院客座教授,人民书画报理事会主席,中国书画产业研究基地专家组成员,世界非物质文化遗产研究院特邀院士、副院长。李志财自幼酷爱书画艺术,受著名书法大师欧阳中石和国画大师吴冠中影响,在草、楷、行、隶、篆等书法创作和绘画艺术上独树一帜,自成一家,在书画领域享有重要地位。李志财多次参加国内外的书画展览并获得多项奖项和荣誉,作品被国内多部书法选集和艺术年鉴收录,国画作品《源远流长》被人民大会堂收藏,《锦上添花》《心经》等多幅作品在国际拍卖会上高价成交。李志财的艺术风格独特鲜明,气象正大、古朴灵动,神秀俊逸、沉稳厚重,将东岳泰山的体势气韵全部融入到笔墨毫端,被誉为“字字泰山”,思想性、艺术性、观赏性达到了完美统一,时任联合国秘书长的潘基文看了李志财的书画作品后,称赞其是“世界东方艺术一颗耀眼的明珠”。近年来主要荣誉称号:中华艺术名家“红墙”艺术家国礼艺术家人民艺术家中国功勋艺术家中国文博会•推荐艺术家中国十大最具收藏价值艺术家文化复兴杰出贡献艺术家优秀书画导师CCTV 华夏之声特聘书画艺术顾问CCTV 全国两会重点推荐艺术家全国第一批非物质文化遗产创新人才新时代非遗文化传播大使(中国当代书画非遗传承人)国际文化形象大使“一带一路”文化形象大使北京机场书画形象大使北京地铁《艺脉相承》主题巡展优秀艺术家代表“一带一路”文艺复兴领军人物大道同行•新时代艺坛名家“最美人民艺术家”“中国当代书画风云人物”亚洲杰出艺术大师Li Zhicai: A Shining Pearl in the Art of the East Li Zhicai, in 1953,Han nationality, from Xintai, Shandong, is a famous calligrapher and painter, with the pen names of Taan Man and Zhongnanhai Scholar. He is a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, a member of the Chinese Artists Association, a council member ofChina Federation of Calligraphy and Painting, a national first-class artist, a national first-class calligrapher, a national intangible cultural heritage inheritor (calligraphy painting), an internationally registered craftsman, an internationally registered art appraiser, an internationally registered art evaluator, a visiting professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts the chairman of the People's Calligraphy and Painting Newspaper Council, a member of the expert group of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Industry Research Base, a special-appointedian and vice president of the World Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Institute. Since childhood, Li Zhicai has been passionate about calligraphy and painting art. Influenced the famous calligraphy master Ou Yangzhongshi and the national painting master Wu Guanzhong, he has established a unique style in the creation of calligraphy painting, such as cursive, regular, running, official, and seal script, and has made significant achievements in the field of calligraphy and painting. Li Zhai has participated in domestic and foreign calligraphy and painting exhibitions many times and has won many awards and honors. His works have been included in many domestic calligraphy collections art yearbooks. His nationalpainting work "Source Far and Long" has been collected by the Great Hall of the People, and many works such as "Adding Flowers the Brocade" and "Heart Sutra" have been sold at high prices in international auctions. Li Zhicai's artistic style is unique anddistinct, with grand and upright atmosphere, simple and lively, elegant and handsome, solid and thick, and he has fully integrated the posture and charm of Mount Tai, the Eastern Mountain into the tip of his brush. He is known as "Every Word is Mount Tai". His ideological, artistic, and ornamental qualities have reached a perfect unity. seeing Li Zhicai's calligraphy and painting works, Ban Ki-moon, the then Secretary-General of the United Nations, praised him as "a shining pearl the art of the East". Main honorary titles in recent years: Chinese Art Celebrity "Red Wall" Artist National Gift Artist People's Artist Chinese Merious Artist China Cultural Expo • Recommended Artist Top Ten Most Collectible Artists in China Artist with Outstanding Contribution to Cultural Revival Excellent Calligraphy and Painting CCTV China Voice Special Appointed Calligraphy and Painting Art Consultant CCTV National Two Sessions Key Recommended Artist The First Batch of National Intangible Heritage Innovation Talent New Era Intangible Cultural Heritage Communication Ambassador (Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritor) International Cultural Image Ambassador "B and Road" Cultural Image Ambassador Beijing Airport Calligraphy and Painting Image Ambassador Beijing Subway "Art Pulse Inheritance" Theme Exhibition Excellent Artist Representative "B and Road" Art Revival Leader Dadao Tongxing • New Era Art Circle Celebrity "Most Beautiful People's Artist" "Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy and Wind Figure" Asian Outstanding Art Master




















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